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Writer's pictureAlicia

Day 4: Cayos Cochinos

Friday 17th November

Today we continued our journey of Honduras, this time visiting a different cultural group, the Chachahuate Garífunas whose ancestors came from Africa- in particular, Cape Verde. They are very proud to have arrived as free people rather than slaves. They speak Creole and Spanish as well as various African dialects.

These Garífuna are very communal. They help each other cook, do chores and raise each other’s children. We arrived around lunch time and saw a few ladies cooking whole fish and rice and peas. Their village was very simple, but beautiful; on a deserted island. They do have permanent homes but come to the island sometimes. They children were out of school and we were treated to a traditional song and dance which we got to join in.

We also tried some coconut sweets and had the opportunity to purchase handicrafts.

In the afternoon, the zodiacs were available for beach visits. As usual, the staff from Le Ponant set up a bar and arranged various activities for the guests. On offer was a guided walk to see the pink boas. We were reassured that they do not but, rather strangle their victims! We were lucky (if you can call it that) to spot a few.)

The weather wasn’t great so we were grateful to head back to the ship to relax and get ready for dinner.

Following dinner we watched a show featuring the very talented dancers- Mademoiselle de Paris. Everyone was pretty tired from being out all day so we called it an early night.

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